Ness' last name
Ness' last name has always been a mystery. It is not mentionned anywhere, at least not directly. The fact that you never see his father just makes it more curious. However, though I still don't know who his father is, I do believe that Ness' full name is Ness Montague. Yes, as in George and Gerardo Montague, the gold miners from Dusty Dunes Desert. Though it might seem a bit surprising, it is far from being a mere wild guess, as I have many reasons to believe so.
1-Lier X. Agerate The first clue is given by Lier X. Agerate. Normally when you go see him after Buzz Buzz is killed, he'll lead you to the Mani Mani statue. However, if you wait until the Mani Mani statue is stolen by Everdred, Lier X. Agerate will say something to the effect of "I see you don't want to hang around. I understand. After all, we're not even related! Someone like you should hang around that dreamer Gerardo Montague." Notice how he says it'd be more normal to be with your relatives, then immediatly after mentions Gerardo Montague.
2-The presence of Gerardo Montague Another suspicious evidence is that Gerardo Montague is in Saturn Valley when the Phase Distorter is being completed. Dr Andonuts is Jeff's father, Apple Kid helps you countless times (actually, thrice), but what motivates Gerardo's presence? His help is nothing out of the extraordinary.
3-George Montague Now for Gerardo Montague's brother, George. Doesn't that name sound familiar? That's right, that's the name of Ninten's great grandfather. Assuming a relation between Ness, Ninten and the Montague, it is easy to imagine that George Montague was in fact named afted the infamous abductee.
4-The meaning of "Montag" Finally, "montag" means "Monday" in german. That wouldn't make a lot of sense when applied to Gerardo, but it would take a whole new meaning when applied to Ness. Onett, the begining of a journey... You get the picture.
All I'm saying is, Gerardo Montague might be Ness' distant uncle or something. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he is in fact Ness' father, but it at least gives a strong theory to the mystery of his last name.
Ness' last name has always been a mystery. It is not mentionned anywhere, at least not directly. The fact that you never see his father just makes it more curious. However, though I still don't know who his father is, I do believe that Ness' full name is Ness Montague. Yes, as in George and Gerardo Montague, the gold miners from Dusty Dunes Desert. Though it might seem a bit surprising, it is far from being a mere wild guess, as I have many reasons to believe so.
1-Lier X. Agerate The first clue is given by Lier X. Agerate. Normally when you go see him after Buzz Buzz is killed, he'll lead you to the Mani Mani statue. However, if you wait until the Mani Mani statue is stolen by Everdred, Lier X. Agerate will say something to the effect of "I see you don't want to hang around. I understand. After all, we're not even related! Someone like you should hang around that dreamer Gerardo Montague." Notice how he says it'd be more normal to be with your relatives, then immediatly after mentions Gerardo Montague.
2-The presence of Gerardo Montague Another suspicious evidence is that Gerardo Montague is in Saturn Valley when the Phase Distorter is being completed. Dr Andonuts is Jeff's father, Apple Kid helps you countless times (actually, thrice), but what motivates Gerardo's presence? His help is nothing out of the extraordinary.
3-George Montague Now for Gerardo Montague's brother, George. Doesn't that name sound familiar? That's right, that's the name of Ninten's great grandfather. Assuming a relation between Ness, Ninten and the Montague, it is easy to imagine that George Montague was in fact named afted the infamous abductee.
4-The meaning of "Montag" Finally, "montag" means "Monday" in german. That wouldn't make a lot of sense when applied to Gerardo, but it would take a whole new meaning when applied to Ness. Onett, the begining of a journey... You get the picture.
All I'm saying is, Gerardo Montague might be Ness' distant uncle or something. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he is in fact Ness' father, but it at least gives a strong theory to the mystery of his last name.