PKMNX's Prattling-Carpainter's Charge
Hello everybody who happens to read this article! This is my first attempt at an article for, so bear with me if I make any horrible mistakes..heh. Anyway, when I was going through some other articles a while ago, I started thinking about Carpainter. Wasn't he such an easy boss? Just take the Franklin Badge and let him kill himself! What I was thinking, though, is how he was able to use the Crash Bang Boom attack(or whatever it's called.) He's just a normal, run-of-the-mill insane cult leader otherwise, but how'd he get to use an attack so much like PSI Thunder?
My first theory is that the Mani Mani statue's intense evil illusion-making power lent itself to Carp so that he could focus it into an attack with the purpose of frying Ness. Why? Because it's the Mani Mani statue, and it wants Ness out of the way. Carp does too, since Ness was so rude in slaying his Happy Happyists and such. Even though the attack was bad, even when it did hit you, it WAS a form of PSI(or magic?), and normal people don't have PSI. The Mani Mani statue could easily transfer the ability to Carp, though.
Another possibility is that Carpainter has some object, or some natural trait that lets him use the attack; perhaps his paintbrush. Maybe he's actually an agent for Giygas, who gave him the magical paintbrush that lets him command a cult to get in Ness's way and control the elements. Or maybe he just found it somewhere. Who knows? Maybe, like Ness and Teleport a, a tutor mentored him in the secret art of Crash Bang Boom(a monkey!)
Yet another thing: what does thunder in any way have to do with blue? I'm going to contradict myself here, and say that his lightning attack has nothing at all to do with his cult. It's a possibility that during his childhood, in a freak accident that happened while he was painting a car, something happened that infused the mysterious power to use a bad lightning attack in him. Weird stuff happens on blue cars.
Lastly, there's a small chance that he is, in reality, Captain Strong. Remember the Foxtrot-Martial arts? Maybe, after being soundly defeated by Ness, Strong put a decoy in his place and ran off to Happy Happy village to wreak some good old havoc. What if his 'martial arts' were really a mysterious bodily movement that released a lightning attack, but he didn't use them on you in Onett because he underestimated you? It's a possibility!
Anyway, thanks for reading this, look for a sequel soon!
Hello everybody who happens to read this article! This is my first attempt at an article for, so bear with me if I make any horrible mistakes..heh. Anyway, when I was going through some other articles a while ago, I started thinking about Carpainter. Wasn't he such an easy boss? Just take the Franklin Badge and let him kill himself! What I was thinking, though, is how he was able to use the Crash Bang Boom attack(or whatever it's called.) He's just a normal, run-of-the-mill insane cult leader otherwise, but how'd he get to use an attack so much like PSI Thunder?
My first theory is that the Mani Mani statue's intense evil illusion-making power lent itself to Carp so that he could focus it into an attack with the purpose of frying Ness. Why? Because it's the Mani Mani statue, and it wants Ness out of the way. Carp does too, since Ness was so rude in slaying his Happy Happyists and such. Even though the attack was bad, even when it did hit you, it WAS a form of PSI(or magic?), and normal people don't have PSI. The Mani Mani statue could easily transfer the ability to Carp, though.
Another possibility is that Carpainter has some object, or some natural trait that lets him use the attack; perhaps his paintbrush. Maybe he's actually an agent for Giygas, who gave him the magical paintbrush that lets him command a cult to get in Ness's way and control the elements. Or maybe he just found it somewhere. Who knows? Maybe, like Ness and Teleport a, a tutor mentored him in the secret art of Crash Bang Boom(a monkey!)
Yet another thing: what does thunder in any way have to do with blue? I'm going to contradict myself here, and say that his lightning attack has nothing at all to do with his cult. It's a possibility that during his childhood, in a freak accident that happened while he was painting a car, something happened that infused the mysterious power to use a bad lightning attack in him. Weird stuff happens on blue cars.
Lastly, there's a small chance that he is, in reality, Captain Strong. Remember the Foxtrot-Martial arts? Maybe, after being soundly defeated by Ness, Strong put a decoy in his place and ran off to Happy Happy village to wreak some good old havoc. What if his 'martial arts' were really a mysterious bodily movement that released a lightning attack, but he didn't use them on you in Onett because he underestimated you? It's a possibility!
Anyway, thanks for reading this, look for a sequel soon!